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Kybella™ is a noninvasive injectable treatment that targets and destroys fat cells under the chin to help improve your profile. Kybella™ is FDA approved and offers an alternative (and nonsurgical) method to achieve a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. Kybella™ works by gradually dissolving fat cells which are then removed naturally by the body’s lymphatic and circulatory system over time. Currently, Kybella™ is approved for submental fat (the area beneath the chin).

What to Know

Kybella™ treatments vary from patient to patient, but generally, 3 to 6 sessions spaced out over six weeks is typical. Kybella™ reduces the target submental fat cells, which should not require further treatment after you have completed your regimen. Recovery is generally mild with potential swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the treatment area directly after injections. Patients report recovery in 4 to 6 days.

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American Academy of Dermatology
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
Women's Dermatologic Society
Skin Cancer Foundation